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97. Shoe Mutt

Day 97
Location 7: Berlin
Feb. 5, 2023

In 2019, NBA superstar Kyrie Irving proved the only thing worse than his taste in documentaries is his taste in TV shows when he released a Friends-themed colorway of his signature Nike shoe. In the same year, he followed that up with a Spongebob Squarepants-themed line of his shoes. To complete the trifecta, he only needs to release a shoe that's just the horizontal sole of a shoe and call it the "Flat Earther Soul" (Kyrie has infamously given credence to the Flat Earth theory).

Spongebob makes for a a good show. Freinds does not. Neither makes for a good shoe.

But okay, let's give Kyrie some credit: television is not the worst inspiration for shoe design. At least he didn't choose to design them after something boring like Connect 4, or chess, or Uno! But of course, a respected shoe company like Nike would never go for something like that. Right?

Anyway, here's the view from the top bunk in my Berlin hostel this morning:


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