Day 9
Location 2: Vienna
Nov. 9, 2022
There's a famous amusement park in Vienna called Prater. It has some of the wildest rides I've ever seen. And this is coming from the guy who rode the Cat in the Hat ride at Universal Studios over 4 times in a row with my mom in 2005.
I know that reads like a joke, but if you saw the 2003 movie adaptation, you understand what a horrifying, spine-chilling experience that is.
While walking to a cafe a few days ago, I passed a movie theater. Curious what the Viennese cinema experience was like, I ventured in today to see Triangle of Sadness. At only €9, the tickets were a steal and earned me a very comfortable, red velvet seat (not edible).
The movie was hilarious and–without spoilers–got me closer to vomiting than the rides at Prater. If you want some consistent movie reviews for every single movie that comes out, you should follow my friend T.Y. on Instagram: @twhy_the_movie_guy.
Last Thing. On day 5, I wrote that:
I had my first cappuccino of the trip and it was delicious. Had the shits all day after that, so I'll keep you updated on if that remains consistent. The cappuccino was good though, definitely worth it.