Day 53
Location 13: Paris
Dec. 23, 2022
In July 2010, my friend Jake Frittola and I went to Independent Lake Camp, a sleep-away camp in Pennsylvania. During our two weeks there, some of our bunkmates were French campers who had traveled all the way from Paris to attend the camp.
One night, there was a camp-wide talent show. Our bunk decided to stuff me in an oversized luggage, zip it up, and roll it on stage. After some silence, I would speak into the microphone I had with me inside the bag, "that's the way uh huh, uh huh, I like it". My other bunkmates whipped around to look at the speaking suitcase. I repeated the lyric. Once they unzipped me, the song That's The Way (I Like It) started playing, we all started hip thrusting, and about 5 seconds later they cut off the song, turned off the stage, and kicked us off the stage. We had to clean the entire cafeteria the next day as punishment. But we didn't care–the crowd loved it, we killed.
Another night, it was past curfew and some of the French boys had stayed out too late. Not only that, but when they returned they were extra rowdy. One of them had stolen something from the other and the three were chasing each other around the bunk while laughing, knocking things over, all while the counselor yelled at them to stop. At some point amid the chaos, a glass got knocked over and shattered. Then a deep silence. It was dark so we didn't know quite where the crash came from or exactly what had happened. Then, one of the French boys, Sam Toby burst into the front door and in a tone that was somehow equally decidedly guilty and innocent said "it...wasn't me!". The entire bunk burst out laughing.
Anyway, all that is to say today Sam and I met up after not seeing or talking to each other for over 12 years. We reminisced about long forgotten camp stories, caught up on our lives, and had fun.
Left: Sam & Me on a camp day trip (2010) | Center: Sam & Me in Paris (2022) | Right: Jake & Me in camp swag (2010)
In other cities, I've visited spots from famous movies like Before Sunrise in Vienna or Ocean's 12 in Amsterdam or Inception here in Paris. Well today I'm visiting another spot from Inception. This is the 15th or so time I've done this and you might be thinking "isn't that enough? Aren't you bored of seeing random movie locations?". And my answer to you is that I'm now going to visit even more movie locations just to spite you.
Left: Leo DiCaprio in Inception | Right: My photo of the same bike path (no Leo)