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3. Surfing on Land

Day 3
Location 1: Munich
Nov. 3, 2022

It's 50°F outside in Munich. So how are people surfing?
Munich is landlocked. So better yet, where are people surfing?

Answer: in the biggest park in the world (yes, even bigger than Central Park). But it's not a normal wave:

An older man in his 50s said he'd started doing it in 2017. "Too late" he added, "it's so much fun." Another "surfer" from Canada explained it took him 6 months to master the skill. My friend Matt would say it takes no practice, though, just sheer will. Here's him on a cruise in 2018 trying out surfing for the first time:

Here's some more stuff I saw/did including:
  • played volleyball with strangers

  • went to a beer hall with a Park Ranger from North Carolina and a girl from England who claimed "beans on toast" tastes good

  • saw an inexplicable vending machine for sex toys in that beer hall. I don't mean condoms, I mean like sex toys. And this was a fairly upscale place with families. Who the hell is buying these???

  • witnessed a couple get engaged and the woman cried out of joy. It was quite sweet. I offered them a gift to say congratulations (a new sex toy I'd bought from a beer hall vending machine earlier that day).

  • the cutest little doll shop that wasn't creepy and certainly didn't make me jog the rest of the way home.

Watch and see:

And some photos:

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