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2. Royale with Cheese

Day 2
Location 1: Munich
Nov. 2, 2022

Time to explore. The nice thing about Munich is as you walk to the plaza or church or garden on your list of sights to see, you end up getting distracted by some other equally beautiful plaza or church or garden on the way. So a straight A to B path becomes an A to D to J to W to K to B all-day excursion.

Here's what I saw:

My good friends, Nick Caldari, Steven Liounis, and Mark Eschen went to Binghamton University, where there is a bar called The Rathskellar ("rat-skell-err"). One time I visited them and our other friend (who will remained unnamed) got so drunk that in the morning, he threw up blood. The next day we drove home and I got a speeding ticket.

So I had to capture this little spot in Munich with a similar name. It suffices to say that my second Rathskellar experience was much better than the first. And while I can't speak for him, I assume that it was better for Jake Frittola, too. (In case it wasn't clear, what I'm saying is Jake was the one who threw up the blood).


One of the things I looked forward to when prepping for this trip was the social aspect of the hostels. You get to meet people from all over the world from different walks of life. Unfortunately, I haven't really found that to be the case and no one here is friendly.

Just kidding. I met the nicest blokes from Wales, a guy from Ireland, a woman from Peru, and a kind Italian kid. After arguing over some language differences, we headed to the bar.


In Wales, this means...

In America, this means...


Lemon-lime soda. Think Sprite.

Water + Sugar + Lemon. When life gives you lemons, you make this.

"High School"


High School


High School





"I'm Hungry"

Let's get McDonald's.

Let's get McDonald's.

Here are some videos from the day, including some dancing and my first Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas is You experience of 2022.

It was 4am as we stumbled out of the bar. Someone said "I'm hungry". Mr. Ireland said "Let's get McDonald's". It's like I was right back home.

Also, I finally got confirmation that the "royale with cheese" thing from Pulp Fiction is real. And tasty.

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