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145. Falling into a Chocolate River

Day 145
Location 28: Budva, Montenegro
Mar. 25, 2023

Today, I returned to the pillow-soft sand and crystal blue water of the Montenegro beaches. I swam a little before lying down to read. It felt like I was back in the summer of high school doing some summer reading, except without any of the bad parts like boring books, forced assignments, or acne.

When in high school, one of your dreams is to one day have enough money and enough independence to buy and eat ice-cream anytime you like. In this fantasy, the only restrictions on your ice-cream consumption is the limited size of your stomach (but with enough ice-cream eating practice, it will grow) and your proximity to ice-cream.

Luckily for me, there's a gelato shop on my way home. Not just any gelato shop—this place has a floor-to-cieling chocolate waterfall. There are cities in the world without running water and yet this place is enjoying running chocolate. As I stood and watched in amazement, I half expected at some point for Agustus Gloop to come rushing out the chocolate waterfall.


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