Having grown up in the northeast of the US, my family enjoyed many weekend ski trips together. We'd wake up at 5am, an hour where the sun is just a rumor. We'd then drive three-and-a-half hours to a nearby ski resort, a length of time in a car that, for an 8-year-old, is officially recognized as torture by 48 countries. Upon arrival, we'd dress up as human Russian nesting dolls, covered in seemingly endless layers of long john underwear and down jackets. Then, finally, we'd ski a little. What fun!
Joking aside, these trips are home to some of my happiest childhood memories. On one particular trip, I remember skiing down the mountain and spotting a restaurant at the bottom of the slope that said "FREE FOOD TOMORROW". I was so disappointed. If only we had delayed our trip by one day, we could've enjoyed an entire free meal. Later, my mom informed me "the sign is up everyday", forever mocking skiers with too much hope.
Anyway, all that is to say that today I passed this sign:
Later, I faced another reminder of my past. In my hostel's kitchen, I noticed a bowl that looked eerily familiar to a set of bowls my Boston roommates and I shared in our apartment. Here is me confirming the bowls are the same via text:
It's safe to say this hostel has good taste. That is, they also shop for kitchen supplies at Dollar Tree. They also have good taste in reading material. Just look at this book they keep in their common room:
What a treat, they had my favorite type of Amy Schumer book! That is, one in another language so I can't read it. (I know it's become trite to dump on her for not being funny, but to that I say что-то, что-то изюминка в моей вагине.)