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13. Budapest-ception

Day 13
Location 4: Budapest
Nov. 13, 2022

After the movie Inception released in 2010, anytime there was something with lots of layers to it, people would add "-ception" to the end of words to describe it.
For example, let's say you went to a carnival and they were selling hot-dogs and the big thing was that the hot-dog bun wasn't made out of bread, but instead it was made of hot-dog meat fashioned into the shape of a regular hot-dog bun. Your friend might then say "whoa, hot-dog-ception".
We all did it, it's fine. However, in the movie, the term "inception" refers to when you convince someone that an idea you had was their own, not to the layered dream reality at the climax of the movie.

My point here is that the train from Bratislava to Budapest was a lot like that one scene where Leonardo DiCaprio is riding a train in Inception. I really enjoyed that. Also, I think the hot-dog-based-hot-dog-bun could really take off if someone made it.

I spent most of the day in bed to catch up on sleep, so there's nothing else to share for today. Why do you think I spent three paragraphs discussing the inner workings of a movie from 12 years ago?

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