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125. Kidnapped & Tortured

Day 125
Location 22: Ohrid, Macedonia
Mar. 5, 2023

So far, every international bus I've taken in Eastern Europe has been a spacious, comfortable coach bus. Today, my bus from Skopje to Ohrid was a cramped, crowded sprinter van. Like the ones used by plumbing companies or kidnappers.

During the ride, I watched CODA, the Oscar-winning film about a deaf family. At the emotional climax of the film I emotionally climaxed and cried my eyes out. I'm talking about an audible, full-body, shaking cry. Coincidentally, this is identical to my behavior if I had been kidnapped.

This three minute scene took eight minutes to watch because I kept pausing the movie to compose myself and ward off the looks of confusion/concern I was receiving from fellow passengers.

Even after finishing the movie, my eyes wrenched and I continued to choke up. But not because of any great cinema. No. The tears in my eyes and lump in my throat were symptoms of the driver smoking a cigarette and blowing the smoke directly into the cramped, crowded van. Sure I wasn't kidnapped, but I was arrogant to assume that meant I couldn't be tortured.

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