Today, the goal is to combat any culture shock with a walk through the city. Before getting dressed, I look out the window to check the weather: it's raining cats and dogs!
Well, not really. More like raining cats and rabbits. Well, not really. More like across the street there's a beauty studio for cats and in the street there's a rabbit next to a street performer. As a lover of cats and rabbits, this is great weather! (Unfortunately, later in the day the forecast called for a downpour of creepy, emotionless boyish mannequins in suits—which I got caught in without an umbrella.)
Rocketbook, the notebook company I used to work for in Boston, had an exclusive deal with a pen company, Pilot. The 3-year contract stipulated that every Rocketbook notebook must be accompanied by a Pilot pen. I have thought about that exactly 0 times on this trip.
You know the comedy trope where a chalkboard is labeled "82 DAYS SINCE LAST ACCIDENT" and the main character does something like bump into a ladder causing a worker to fall into a vat of acid or whatever and they goofily reset the sign to 0? Well, let's imagine I have a board that reads "104 DAYS SINCE LAST THOUGHT ABOUT ROCKETBOOK'S CONTRACT WITH PILOT".