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100. My 100th Day in Europe
Wow, 1 More Than 99 Days!
99. The Vatican & Sistine Chapel
Day 99: Vatican, Hitch, & Sins
98. Racist Gelato
Day 98: Vegas, Ghana, & Selena Gomez
97. Shoe Mutt
Day 97: Spongebob, Friends, & Uno
96. Hanging With Models
Day 96: Bagels, Models, & Basketball
95. Buying Illegal Drugs
Day 95: Drugs, Whores, & Dice
94. Pissing Off Some Russians
Day 94: Snipers, Reunions, & Cream
93. Almost Kicked Off A Plane
Day 93: Planes, Basketballs, & Reunions
92. Trespassing Presidential Property
Day 92: Horseshit, Cops, & Mark Zuckerberg
91. Seeing "U2" Up Close
Day 91: Fish, Chips, & Blind Drunk
90. Cliffs of Moher
Day 90: Pigs, Elmo, & Obama
89. First Time Surfing
Day 89: Ripped Pants, Depression, & McDonald's
88. The Harry Potter Library
Day 88: Wizards, Racists, & French Bulldogs
87. Worst Hostel Ever
Day 87: Alcoholics, Alec Baldwin, & Proctologists
86. My Front Tooth is Back!
Day 86: Teeth, Mummies, & Buddha
85. My Article Got Published in a Newspaper
Day 85: Pineapple, Pizza, & #MeToo
84. Paul McCartney Spoke To Me!
Day 84: Monopoly, Tears, & Muhammad Ali
83. Why The Beatles Broke Up
Day 83: Twilight, Han Solo, & The Beatles
82. Getting Called a Cunt
Day 82: Shakira, Hot-Dogs, & Sex
81. Pissing Your Pants Sucks (Pt. 2)
Day 81: Butt Plugs, Piss, & Pickles
80. Almost Hit By a Car
Day 80: Beatles, Sperm, & Childhood
79. My Front Tooth is Gone
Day 79: College, Fairies, & AIDS
78. Best Basketball So Far
Day 78: Bo Burnham, Sunsets, & Bball
77. Evidence of Aliens
Day 77: Bugs, Poops, & Beans
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